Who is She?
October 25, 2020
Watering Your Weeds
February 20, 2021The idea of creating something seems intentional. We create presentations, writings, paintings, musicals, poems. Yet even when we are not intentionally creating something, we are still contributing and depositing into the world around us. This thought around default and unintentional creating came from the recent connectedness I have to the tiny soul growing inside as I embrace my second pregnancy. It’s one thing to be connected to your own body, muscles, bones and soul – but it’s quite an experience to be connected to another soul inside these muscles and bones. They feel my joy, sorrow, excitement, cycles. Sharing that makes me feel multiplied and divided all at the same time. What a wonderfully big thing to be in charge of disseminating who is created. Yet, even in the world around us we are in charge of disseminating and creating. Of contributing. What are you creating with yourself and what is it contributing? More importantly, what might unintentionally be coming from you and what is that creating? Oftentimes the less conscious parts of us that radiate stem from the average type of energy we carry around. You know you’ve been around people that seem regularly overwhelmed or unsatisfied, on the other side there are people who seem to hold the secret to embodying some sort of enlightened optimism. The question is, how often are you intentionally creating and living and when you are not, what is the type of energy that you send out into the world that undoubtedly makes its way back to you?